Friday, March 30, 2012

Adoption / Foster Care: New Articles for March 2012

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New Articles for March 2012
Mar 30th 2012, 11:12

It's a mix of everything this month with profiles on two famous adoptees - Wendy's founder, Dave Thomas and Snooki, of Jersey Shore fame. Never did I think those two names would be mentioned in the same sentence.

We also discuss a bit about what foster care and the changes to expect in your home and family when fostering and highlight a new foster care magazine.

Prepare for Easter with ideas for Russian adoptees and for Mother's Day with a beautiful new poem, Mother, and an equally beautiful children's book, I Bet She Called Me Sugar Plum.

Suggested Reading/New Articles and Features:

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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Adoption / Foster Care: Actor Ty Burrell Adds to His Family Again Through Adoption

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Actor Ty Burrell Adds to His Family Again Through Adoption
Mar 21st 2012, 01:37

According to People Magazine, Ty Burrell, who plays Phil Dunphy on Modern Family, and his wife Holly have adopted their second child, another baby girl. Burrell, age 44, has not shared any details about the adoption or the new addition. The couple adopted their first little girl, Frances, in 2010, when she was six months old.

SOURCE: Ty Burrell Welcomes a Daughter

Suggested Reading Top Adoption Television Story or Plot Lines of 2011

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Adoption / Foster Care: Cute Gifts Inspired by Easter or Spring

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Cute Gifts Inspired by Easter or Spring
Mar 20th 2012, 08:00

It's spring break here and after weeks and weeks of awesome weather it is now pouring down rain. Of course it is. So, what better time than now to create some cute handmade gifts with the kids?

Most moms love the handmade stuff the best when it comes to gifts from kids. Stumped as to what to give or create? Consider the following cute Easter or Spring inspired art projects that you and the kids can easily do in just an hour.

These ideas would be perfect for a birthmom, or any member of a birth family, in a foster or adoptive situation.

Suggested Reading: Great Foster Parents Work with Birth Family to Aid Reunification

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Monday, March 19, 2012

Adoption / Foster Care: Foster Care Book Review: Finding the Right Spot - When Kids Can't Live With Their Parents

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Foster Care Book Review: Finding the Right Spot - When Kids Can't Live With Their Parents
Mar 19th 2012, 08:00

Carefully constructed so that the message does not scream out to a child, Finding the Right Spot is a book I would recommend to all foster homes. The story seems to softly reinforce and validate that the child may be experiencing a rough road at the moment. However, there is a soft place to fall and a "right spot" for everyone. A section for caregivers is included at the end of the book and is a wonderful resource and a perfect compliment to the book.

I have used this book when talking with a former foster son. After 16 months in care, he refused to ask questions, speak about being in foster care, or show concern for his future. I decided to give him books about foster care to read. This one was his favorite. I believe it's his favorite not only because the message is a familiar one, but it features a faithful dog. Books can do wonders to open up a conversation with young people.

Another children's book helped me explain adoption to one of my daughter's friends. Have you had a similar experience working with children? Has a book helped start a much needed conversation? Please click "comments" below and share.

Suggested Reading: Understanding a Child's Grief and Loss Understanding Abuse and Neglect How to Create a Connection with Your Foster Child

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Friday, March 16, 2012

Adoption / Foster Care: Actress Charlize Theron Adopts a Baby Boy

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Actress Charlize Theron Adopts a Baby Boy
Mar 16th 2012, 21:07

36-year old actress Charlize Theron has adopted a baby boy named Jackson who is currently four-months old. The announcement was made Wednesday. There are not many details available at this time. Theron won an Academy Award for her role as serial killer Aileen Wuornos in 2003's "Monster." She was also nominated for a 2005 Academy Award for her work "North Country."

SOURCES: Charlize Theron takes on role of motherhood with adoption of baby boy Charlize Theron Says Swaddling's 'Pretty Amazing'

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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Adoption / Foster Care: International Adoption Update for March 2012

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International Adoption Update for March 2012
Mar 14th 2012, 08:00

Honduras - The U.S. Embassy in Honduras has stated that the Gladney Center for Adoption, per IHNFA's resolution SG-009-2012 has been reinstated. Gladney Center for Adoption is now accredited by Hondureño de la Niñez y la Familia (IHNFA) and can now process adoptive families in Honduras.

Russia - While the Department of State has reported that they have not received official notice about any suspension of adoptions from Russia, it has been reported that some some judges in Russia have instituted a de facto freeze on adoptions to the United States and some local department of education have refused to provide referrals for court dates. Seems like nothing official has been implemented by Russia, but know that the Department of State is keeping an eye on the situation.

Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) - There seems to be some issue with orphanages releasing adopted children with valid immigration visas to their adoptive parents. Police intervention has been needed in some instances. The Department of States advises that the adoptive parent notify the Consular Section if this occurs as the U.S. Embassy has limited authority.

Senegal -It has been announced that all new adoptions from Senegal will be temporarily suspended while the government focuses on implementing the Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption (the Convention). There will also be no acceptance of new dossiers at this time. The Convention entered into force for Senegal on December 1, 2011. If you filed a Form I-600A or Form I-600 before December 1, 2011, your adoption will be allowed to finish under the previous "orphan" process.

India - Effective January 20, 2012, India will begin to accept new adoption applications under its new guidelines. Dossiers must be forwarded to CARA. CARA will no longer accept any dossier through a RIPA.

For more information and country updates and warnings visit The U.S. Department of State.

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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Adoption / Foster Care: Foster Family Needs Guidance on the Possibility of a Foster Care Adoption

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Foster Family Needs Guidance on the Possibility of a Foster Care Adoption
Mar 13th 2012, 08:00

Here is an excerpt from an email I received from a reader asking for support and counsel on the topic of foster care adoption:

"My husband and I have been foster parents for several years. We have 3 biological children, the youngest is a son, age 13 and still at home. We currently have 2 foster boys, ages 11 & 15, who've been with us for just over a year. They've just become eligible for adoption and the state would like them in a permanent placement ASAP. I was ready to adopt them a week after they arrived. My husband, however, is not so sure.

The reason I'm writing is that sometimes you ask for ideas for your blog. Would you consider asking your readers for their stories of indecision? I know I'm not the first to be in this position and I'd like to know how others have handled it. How long did it take their spouses to decide and 'know for sure' that it was the right thing to do. Do most people adopt within a year of fostering, or does it take people longer to decide??

I understand that you get many emails and perhaps this isn't a subject that you would consider, but I hope you do! Your blog has helped me more than I could ever tell you. I really appreciate your hard work!"

From Carrie: I fully understand the heartache and stress that comes when trying to decide whether or not to adopt a child, especially when half of the family is against the idea of adopting the child. It can be a horrible position to be in, especially if you're on the fence about it and as a foster parent, it may be a decision you're faced with more than once.  We've been there too, when one member of the family has no desire to make the lifetime commitment. It is the absolute worse place to be. Harder still is when one of your children has no interest in adding to your family through adoption, but you as parents are very interested in adopting.

I would suggest really communicating. Ask each family member - without the foster children present - about their concerns, fears, and hold-ups when it comes to adoption. How would they feel if you did adopt the child? How would they feel if you did not adopt the child?

The key to this conversation is to avoid manipulation. Do not guilt trip your spouse or child into seeing your point of view. If they do cave and go along with the adoption, how will they feel a year or so later? Will they resent you, the child, both? None of the above is fair, especially to the child and may destroy your marriage and family.

If your child is not agreeing to the adoption, listen to what they have to say, every one of their concerns should be taken seriously - even if you think the reasons are not valid, or even a bit silly. Listen.

  • Consider your child's:
  • Age
  • Maturity
  • Reasons against the adoption

Are their concerns something they may grow out of with time? IF you do go ahead with the adoption, consider any and all ramifications. Then thoughtfully make your decision.

Asking our foster and adoptive parenting community: Have you been faced with the decision on whether or not to adopt a foster child? Has your family been split on the decision? What helped you through the decision process? What advice would you offer this mother and family? Please share your kind thoughts, and advice in the comments area. PS. This isn't a space to post rants against these parents. All of these types of comments will be deleted.

Suggested Reading:

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Adoption / Foster Care: International Adoption Update for March 2012

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International Adoption Update for March 2012
Mar 13th 2012, 08:00

Honduras - The U.S. Embassy in Honduras has stated that the Gladney Center for Adoption, per IHNFA's resolution SG-009-2012 has been reinstated. Gladney Center for Adoption is now accredited by Hondureño de la Niñez y la Familia (IHNFA) and can now process adoptive families in Honduras.

Russia - While the Department of State has reported that they have not received official notice about any suspension of adoptions from Russia, it has been reported that some some judges in Russia have instituted a de facto freeze on adoptions to the United States and some local department of education have refused to provide referrals for court dates. Seems like nothing official has been implemented by Russia, but know that the Department of State is keeping an eye on the situation.

Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) - There seems to be some issue with orphanages releasing adopted children with valid immigration visas to their adoptive parents. Police intervention has been needed in some instances. The Department of States advises that the adoptive parent notify the Consular Section if this occurs as the U.S. Embassy has limited authority.

Senegal -It has been announced that all new adoptions from Senegal will be temporarily suspended while the government focuses on implementing the Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption (the Convention). There will also be no acceptance of new dossiers at this time. The Convention entered into force for Senegal on December 1, 2011. If you filed a Form I-600A or Form I-600 before December 1, 2011, your adoption will be allowed to finish under the previous "orphan" process.

India - Effective January 20, 2012, India will begin to accept new adoption applications under its new guidelines. Dossiers must be forwarded to CARA. CARA will no longer accept any dossier through a RIPA.

For more information and country updates and warnings visit The U.S. Department of State.

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Monday, March 12, 2012

Adoption / Foster Care: Judge Ruled Child Support Due to Child Sent Back to Russia

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Judge Ruled Child Support Due to Child Sent Back to Russia
Mar 12th 2012, 08:00

Circuit Court Judge Lee Russell ruled Wednesday, March 7, 2012, that Torry Hansen is liable for child support and approved a motion for a default judgment against Hansen. In April 2010, Hansen sent her then seven-year-old child back to Russia with a note saying he was violent and out of control. Her adoption agency, World Association for Children and Parents filed the lawsuit seeking child support for the child who now lives in a group home for children that can not be adopted in the Moscow suburb of Tomilino.

Hansen no longer lives in Tennessee, but resides in California. No criminal charges were ever filed against Hansen in the matter. The set amount due the child in the form of child support and damages will be set in May.

Suggested Reading:

SOURCE: Tennessee mom who returned adopted son to Russia must pay child support to orphanage

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Saturday, March 10, 2012

Adoption / Foster Care: Children's Adoption Book About Open Adoption - Megan's Birthday Tree

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Children's Adoption Book About Open Adoption - Megan's Birthday Tree
Mar 10th 2012, 08:30

This is one children's book that about makes me cry every time I read it. The illustrations are beautiful and capture a child's many emotions. The story itself is just as beautiful. Megan's Birthday Tree is about a child who is clearly bonded to her adoptive family and goes to them for reassurance and support, yet is grounded by a child's simple understanding of her history. This book demonstrates what an open adoption could do for a child's sense of identity.

If you have opened a closed adoption, especially a foster care adoption, click "comments" below and share your experiences or about your process.

So, what is open adoption to you? Are you part of an open adoption - either as a birth parent, an adoptive parent, or adoptee? Bring your experiences, good and bad to the forum and we'll all get a chance to see open adoption from a different perspective. The forum discussion has been on-going for a couple of years and has numerous posts. Check it out.


Suggested Reading:

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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Adoption / Foster Care: The Foster Parenting Toolbox

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The Foster Parenting Toolbox
Mar 7th 2012, 16:25

Cover art for The Foster Parenting Toolbox Cover art courtesy of EMK PRESS, The Foster Parenting Toolbox

March 2, 2012, brought the release of a new resource for foster families - The Foster Parenting Toolbox. Edited by Kim Phagan-Hansel, the editor of Fostering Families Today Magazine, The Foster Parenting Toolbox is a 464 page book that features more than 100 contributors, including yours truly. There are sixteen chapters with topics that include: Why Foster, Perspectives, Transitions, Teamwork, Birth Family Connections, Loss, Grief, and Anger; Attachment and Trust, Trauma and Abuse, Family Impact, Discipline, School Tools, Parenting Teens, Nurturing Identity, Allegations, Respite and Support, and Reunification, Adoption, and Beyond. The book also includes a resources list as well as an index. One of the best features is the quizzes at the end of the book, one quiz per chapter, that foster parents can turn in to their workers for CEUs!

This is not a book to sit down and just read - of course you can! I'd consider this more of a "go-to book". Have a question about how to handle a school situation - go to The Foster Parenting Toolbox. Want to figure out how to best prepare a child for a transition - whether it be to another foster home, adoption, or even a night of respite - go to The Foster Parenting Toolbox.

The Foster Parenting Toolbox ISBN 9780972624466 EMK Press Softcover $29.95 USD

What books have you considered your best "go to" books?

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Friday, March 2, 2012

Adoption / Foster Care: Dr. Seuss for Foster or Adopted Children and Parents

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Dr. Seuss for Foster or Adopted Children and Parents
Mar 2nd 2012, 17:37

I love Dr. Seuss! Horton Hatches the Egg is my all time favorite Dr. Seuss book. Of course I also like The Cat in the Hat or Green Eggs and Ham, but nothing gets to me like the character, Horton. Probably because he has such great character. When I read Horton Hatches the Egg I can't help but think of this as a perfect foster parenting story.

Horton takes care of an egg for a bird who is tired of sitting and waiting for the egg to hatch. She goes off and has a great time, while Horton sits on the egg through all kinds of weather and hardships. Then when all the hard work is over the bird comes back for the egg. When the egg hatches we see that the baby bird has some elephant features like Horton. He made a lasting impact on the baby bird. I love that.

The other Dr. Seuss book I'd recommend for foster or adoptive parents would be, Oh, the Places You'll Go!. Elizabeth Kennedy, Children's Book Guide, says, "It's an inspirational book that provides an uplifting sendoff in Dr. Seuss style for people entering a new phase in their lives, but Dr. Seuss also points out that there will be difficult times as well as good times." I think that this is an appropriate message for some children as they transition between foster homes or even into a new adoptive home.

What is your favorite Dr. Seuss book? Which ones do you think are best for foster or adoptive children or parents?

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Thursday, March 1, 2012

Adoption / Foster Care: Country Star's Child to Remain in Foster Care

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Country Star's Child to Remain in Foster Care
Mar 1st 2012, 08:00

Last Wednesday, a Florida judge ruled that the jurisdiction over the custody battle for country singer Mindy McCready's son will remain in Florida. The child, five-year-old Zander, will remain in an Arkansas foster home where reports state he is thriving, attending school and in counseling. Zander's father, grandmother, and McCready are all battling for custody. Gayle Inge, Mindy's mother, who was awarded custody of Zander back in 2007, and Billy McKnight, Zander's father, all reside in Florida. McCready took Zander from Florida last November and ran to Arkansas.

I couldn't imagine being the foster parent in this type of a situation, where a birth parent is a well known singer. I have worked with high profile cases, but this seems like a lot to handle. Have you ever fostered a high profile case? Hows did you handle the stress?

Suggested Reading:

SOURCES: Mindy McCready's Son to Be Kept in Foster Care Mindy McCready's Son to Remain in Arkansas During Custody Battle

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