Friday, July 27, 2012

Adoption / Foster Care: New Articles for July 2012

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New Articles for July 2012
Jul 27th 2012, 08:00
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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Adoption / Foster Care: What Is a Safety Plan and When Do I Need One for My Family?

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What Is a Safety Plan and When Do I Need One for My Family?
Jul 25th 2012, 08:30

When new children come into your home, whether as foster children or through adoption, different issues may pop up as you get to know that child. I know we've been down this road numerous times with foster and adoptive placements.

Sometimes a child may have issues or needs that may become a danger or concern to others within the home. This is when a safety plan may be something that a foster or adoptive family needs to consider putting into place. What is a safety plan?

A safety plan is an organized system of rules and guidelines used to supervise and structure time and space, due to the behavior of one or more members of the family. A safety plan is for the safety and well-being of the members who are acting out as well as for the other members of the family, including pets and property.

The need for a safety plan can occur at any time for a foster or adoptive family. We have used safety plans within our foster home and within our adoptive home. As children who have experienced trauma grow and mature, issues can arise that were not issues in the past. Be prepared by learning now when and why to use a safety plan. Then read on and learn how to create a safety plan for your family.

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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Adoption / Foster Care: What to Do on Rainy Summer Days

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What to Do on Rainy Summer Days
Jul 20th 2012, 00:30

Cover Art for My Mei Mei Photo Courtesy of Raab Associates, Inc

I've decided to post this in the hopes that we will get more rain.  So far Mother Nature has just been teasing us with dark clouds, thunder, some lightening a few drops.

But, when it does rain, that usually means kids in the house will get bored. What a great time to have some indoor fun with books. A few craft ideas and a great recipe allows children the opportunity to really get into their favorite adoption book. See what activities and recipes are suggested for the book featured above, My Mei Mei

What do you do with your kids on rainy summer days?

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Thursday, July 12, 2012

Adoption / Foster Care: Intercountry Adoption Updates for Russia and South Africa

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Intercountry Adoption Updates for Russia and South Africa
Jul 12th 2012, 17:37

According to the Department of State there are a few interesting updates for Russia and South Africa.

It's been almost a full year, but the agreement that was signed on July 13, 2011, by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, has finally been approved by the Russian Duma. Once approved by the Russian Parliament and signed by President Putin, the United States and Russia will then discuss how to best implement the agreement.

Bethany Christian Services and Spence-Chapin Services to Families and Children have been approved as Accredited Adoption Service Provider's or ASPs for adoptions from South Africa and are now accepting applications from prospective adoptive parents. South Africa is a member of the Hague Convention of Intercountry Adoptions.

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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Adoption / Foster Care: Taking a Break from Fostering

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Taking a Break from Fostering
Jul 10th 2012, 11:08

My family is taking a break from taking placements this summer, not only because we are moving to a new community, but to assess if we want to continue on as foster parents. It's also a good time to spend time, strengthening our relationships as we begin this new adventure together.

We have been foster and adoptive parents for fifteen years. Our daughter was only two months old when our first foster daughter moved into our home. Knowing when to take a break, to keep from burning out as a care giver, is an important foster parenting skill.

I don't know if we'll end up closing our foster care license, but I do know that for now, we'll be focusing on what is best for our daughter and our family.

Recommended Reading: Strong Foster Families Know When to Stop

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Thursday, July 5, 2012

Adoption / Foster Care: Andy Griffith Was an Adoptive Parent

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Andy Griffith Was an Adoptive Parent
Jul 5th 2012, 22:11

I was very sad to learn of the passing of Andy Griffith. I loved him as sheriff Andy Taylor of Mayberry and thought it was very sweet when he was a part of the Brad Paisley's video, Waitin' on a Woman. I decided to read some online biographies about Griffith and was surprised to learn that he was an adoptive father. He and his first wife adopted two children. I had no idea!

Who are your favorite famous adoptive parents? Click "comments" below and share.

Suggested Reading: Profile of Andy Griffith

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Sunday, July 1, 2012

Adoption / Foster Care: Share Your Foster and Adoptive Parent Summertime Knowledge

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Share Your Foster and Adoptive Parent Summertime Knowledge
Jul 1st 2012, 08:00

I would really enjoy reading more of your thoughts on a couple of issues, because I believe that when it comes to foster parenting and adoptive parenting, the expertise is with those who are living it. Since we are in the middle of summer break, I wonder How did you successfully include a foster child on your family vacations?.

Summer also means that the kids are home with parents all day! So, with that often comes kids fighting. How do you handle your foster or adopted children when the fighting begins? How do you handle sibling rivalry?

Summertime sometimes means opportunities for sleepovers for children, but sometimes foster and adopted children have issues due to abuse and neglect. These issues may prevent them from enjoying sleepovers like other children.

What summertime issues do you deal with in your foster or adoptive home? Please share any and all ideas - or issues that you are struggling with.

Suggested Reading:

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