Friday, September 28, 2012

Adoption / Foster Care: New Articles for September 2012

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New Articles for September 2012
Sep 28th 2012, 02:37

This month I focused on the topic of discipline. Corporal punishment was defined and a list of ideas were given on the types of discipline that may be more helpful when parenting children that have been abused and neglected. Of course, thoughts on child discipline that may not be as effective was also explored.

I also wrote about how to give a child permission to talk about their adoption and ways to prepare for a first visit with a child you are hoping to adopt.

Suggested Reading/New Articles and Features:

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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Adoption / Foster Care: A Fall Book with a Potential Foster Care or Adoption Message

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A Fall Book with a Potential Foster Care or Adoption Message
Sep 22nd 2012, 08:00

I love the fall weather. The leaves are starting to change and the temperature drops a bit; not enough to be cold, but enough to need a light jacket. A Simple Brown Leaf is an awesome choice for the fall season and for reading aloud to your children. This book is one of those that a family can read and it fits into almost any life situation. Not a foster care or adoption themed book, but a book about life and how life is about constant change. I highly recommend A Simple Brown Leaf. What a perfect fall book to share.

This book also makes for a great gift for adults as it is beautifully illustrated and deals with the topic of change. 


Suggested Reading: How To Read Aloud to Your Child (About Children's Books) Fall Fun for Foster and Adopted Children - If Halloween Is Too Scary - Fall Fun May Be the Answer

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Monday, September 17, 2012

Adoption / Foster Care: International Adoption Update

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International Adoption Update
Sep 17th 2012, 08:00

Guatemala Adoption Update: According to Latino, Guatemala has authorized the first adoption by an American family since the 2007 suspension of 180 Guatemalan adoptions. The delay of those specific cases was due to the belief that there were some conflicts of interest and ethical issues. The cases were suspended for deeper scrutiny and investigation. Thirty of the 180 cases are now moving forward toward a completed adoption.

Kazakhstan Adoptions: According the the Department of State, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan has announced that intercountry adoptions with the United States have been suspended. This will impact a halt on new adoption referrals.

Fiji Adoptions: Fiji entered into force with the Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Co-Operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption on August 1, 2012. There is no more information on how Fiji plans to implement the convention and the adoption process. The State Department recommends waiting until Fiji has implemented the Hague and has contacted the State Department with their plans on how they will conduct adoptions.


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Saturday, September 15, 2012

Adoption / Foster Care: Newest Angels in Adoption Honored in DC this Week

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Newest Angels in Adoption Honored in DC this Week
Sep 15th 2012, 07:00

Katherine Heigl and Josh Kelley - The couple was honored during this week's Angels in Adoption™ Gala in Washington, DC. The couple was recognized for the adoption of their two children and for being open about their adoption story.  They were also recognized as adoption advocates.

Ne-Yo - Songwriter and singer, Ne-Yo was also honored at the Angels in Adoptionâ„¢ Gala for founding the Compound Foundation in 2007 with business partner Reynell "Tango" Hay. The Compound Foundation works to support young people in the foster care system by helping them reach their full potential through making healthy choices about relationships and gaining education.

From the Angels in Adoption website, "The Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute's (CCAI) Angels in Adoptionâ„¢ Program provides Members of Congress the opportunity to honor an individual, couple, or organization from their district that have made an extraordinary contribution on behalf of children in need of homes."

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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Adoption / Foster Care: The 2012 100 Best Adoption-Friendly Workplaces

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The 2012 100 Best Adoption-Friendly Workplaces
Sep 13th 2012, 08:00

The Dave Thomas Foundation has named the 2012 Best Adoption-friendly Workplaces. The Wendy's Company topped the list for the fifth year in a row offering up to $25,300 in adoption assistance and up to six weeks of paid adoption leave. The Wendy's Company is not affiliated with the Dave Thomas Foundation.

The rankings are determined by the company's adoption benefits which include financial reimbursement and paid leave that is made available to employees who adopt. The list of the top 100 also recognizes the top ten by size and the leaders in each industry, as well as companies who support adoption and adoptive families in other ways.

Top of the 100 Best for 2012 The Wendy's Company

Top Companies by Size for 2012 Small Company South Mountain Company offers their 27 employees $10,000 and 4 weeks leave, West Tisbury, MA

Medium Company Barilla America, Inc offers their 458 employees, $16,000 and 1 weeks leave, Bannockborn, IL

Large Company The Wendy's Company offers their 67,550 employees, $24,300 and 6 weeks leave, Dublin, OH

Top by Industry

  • Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations - Leo Burnett & Arc Worldwide
  • Architecture, Engineering and Construction - Robins & Morton
  • Communications and Telecommunications - Premiere Global Services, Inc
  • Consulting, Accounting, Legal and Business Services - Alston & Bird, LLP
  • Consumer Products - HanesBrands
  • Education - The McGraw-Hill Companies
  • Energy and Utilities - Chesapeake Energy Corporation
  • Entertainment, Media and Publishing - UBM (LLC, Medica, Canon, Inc)
  • Financial Services - RBS Citizens Financial Group
  • Food, Beverage and Restaurants - The Wendy's Company
  • Government - (Tie)City of Carmel, Indiana and Commonwealth of Kentucky
  • Healthcare - WellStar Health System
  • Hotel and Travel - Carlson
  • Industrial and Manufacturing - Boston Scientific
  • Insurance - New York Life
  • Non-profit -American Academy of Pediatrics
  • Pharmaceutical -Ferring Pharmaceuticals
  • Real Estate - Duke Realty Corporation
  • Retail - Brooks Brothers Group, Inc.
  • Sports and Recreation - NBA (National Basketball Association)
  • Technology, Information and Research - LSI Corporation
  • Transportation and Automotive - Subaru of America, Inc.

If interested in reading about how other companies stacked up this year, check out the 2012 Best Adoption-Friendly Workplaces List.


Suggested Reading: What Is the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption? Adoption-Friendly Workplaces 7 Ways to Afford the Cost of Adoption Adoption Grants & Adoption Loans What Are Employer Sponsored Adoption Benefits?

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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Adoption / Foster Care: Back to School and Reports of Child Abuse Seem to Go Hand in Hand

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Back to School and Reports of Child Abuse Seem to Go Hand in Hand
Sep 12th 2012, 00:45

Most foster care agencies and foster parents know that back to school can also mean more children entering foster care.  Foster parents tend to try to be prepared for new placements between September and October. This is probably due to children interacting with teachers again and teachers are mandatory reporters of child abuse and neglect. Over the summer there were less people taking note on a child's well-being.

Foster parents are also mandatory reporters of child abuse. That is probably one of the toughest calls to make, reporting that a child is being abused or neglected. It's even tougher when the child discloses the abuse or neglect to you personally. This has happened to me as a foster parent more than once. How do you handle yourself when a child discloses abuse or neglect? What do you do if you suspect a child is being abused?

But with new foster children entering the system this school year, I sincerely hope that foster parents are doing their best with the kids and treating them as they would their own children.  This may seem like common sense to most of us, but unfortunately there are those who don't understand the importance of being an involved foster parent.

Is it common in your area for there to be a surge of children entering the foster care system when school starts?

Suggested Reading/New Articles and Features:

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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Adoption / Foster Care: Create or Maintain a Bond with Extended Family - Grandparents Day Gift Ideas

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Create or Maintain a Bond with Extended Family - Grandparents Day Gift Ideas
Sep 4th 2012, 06:00

Next Sunday, September 9th, marks the 33rd anniversary of Grandparent's Day, a day to celebrate and honor the grandparents in our lives. Have you ever thought about creating a connection with your foster or adopted child's grandparents as a way to strengthen your relationship with your child? Nothing says acceptance like respecting a child's birth family - especially giving their grandma or grandpa a special "thinking of you" gift.

Other Grandparents Day Gift Ideas from Guides:

What about the role Grandparents play in your foster children's lives? They may not be "blood" relatives, but my and my husbands' parents have always played big roles in our foster children's lives. What role, if any, do your parents play in your foster parenting?

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