Thursday, November 29, 2012

Adoption / Foster Care: New Articles for November 2012

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New Articles for November 2012
Nov 29th 2012, 23:19

This month I focused on foster and adoptive parent training classes. I explained the purpose of the classes as well as why it seems to take so long to become a licensed foster parent.

I also am beginning to research the different curriculum that is used around the world to train foster and adoptive parents. What class do you have to take to become a foster parent or adoptive parent in your area?

Suggested Reading/New Articles and Features:

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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Adoption / Foster Care: Please Share and Take Our Poll - How Often Do Your Children Discuss Their Adoption?

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Please Share and Take Our Poll - How Often Do Your Children Discuss Their Adoption?
Nov 27th 2012, 19:05

Do Your Kids Discuss Adoption?

The holidays seem to bring up emotions for everyone, including children. When it comes to your home, Do Your Kids Discuss Adoption? Does the holiday season seem to intensify the discussions or do your children talk about their birth family equally all year round? Perhaps your child doesn't talk about the subject at all.

Please, take a moment and select from the options below.

Suggested Reading:

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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Adoption / Foster Care: Start Now and Prepare Your Children and Family for the Holiday

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Start Now and Prepare Your Children and Family for the Holiday
Nov 20th 2012, 08:00

Holidays and big family gatherings are tough situations for introducing your foster or newly adopted children to the extended family. Your extended family may feel uneasy about your choice to be a foster/adoptive parent in the first place. Meeting the child may help this situation or confirm their fears. Here are 7 Ways to Prepare Yourself, Your Family, and Your Foster Child for Thanksgiving.

And remember - if you're going to be visiting a home that doesn't regularly host children or you know your kids are going to be bored - pack up a few craft supplies and have the kids make these hand print turkeys. These could be cute gifts for birth family in an adoptive or foster situation. Most parents love gifts that mark their child's stages of growth.

Select a project below and find simple to follow instructions.

- How To Make a Simple Hand Print Turkey

- How To Make a Double Handprint Turkey

- How To Create a Turkey With Handprint Feathers

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Monday, November 19, 2012

Adoption / Foster Care: Today Is National Adoption Day!

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Today Is National Adoption Day!
Nov 17th 2012, 08:00

Today, November 17, 2012, marks the 13th year for National Adoption Day. Through the help of adoption professionals, child advocates, judges, and attorneys, thousands of children in foster care will finalize their adoptions and become part of a permanent home and family.

I hope that this National Adoption Day is as successful as the year before. Reports are hoping that 4,500 children from foster care will enter into their forever home today. If you are one of those families, don't forget to spread the good news with an awesome adoption announcement!

How are you celebrating National Adoption Day?

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Friday, November 16, 2012

Adoption / Foster Care: Spokeo and Mixed Roots Foundation Launch Program to Celebrate Adoption Search Angels

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Spokeo and Mixed Roots Foundation Launch Program to Celebrate Adoption Search Angels
Nov 16th 2012, 09:51

I'm excited to announce the kick off of a special project - a project that I've had the great pleasure of being a part of over the past several weeks - the Spokeo Search Angel Awards!

I received an email from Spokeo a couple of months ago about the idea of creating an award for Search Angels. They were seeing a trend in their search engine being utilized to help reunite people who had been separated by adoption or foster care placements and wanted to help those that were searching. So, Spokeo and strategic partner Mixed Roots Foundation, as well as the American Adoption Congress, the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption, and Find My Family - are now proudly calling for nominations during National Adoption Awareness Month, for the Spokeo Search Angel Awards.

"The newly launched program will recognize, honor and support volunteers who donate their time to help adult adoptees and others separated from family, search for and reunite with their birth families. Individuals who have been touched by the work of Search Angels are encouraged to visit to submit a nomination. Winners of the awards will receive a cash grant provided by the Mixed Roots Foundation's Spokeo Search Angel Fund, a one-year account to Spokeo, and the opportunity to have reunion costs covered for a limited amount of matches made during their year as a "Spokeo Search Angel."

This is your opportunity to show how much you value the search angel who has helped you locate lost loved ones. I know you're out there - I have received emails from thankful adoptees, birth mothers, and lost birth siblings. Please take a moment and nominate one of our many search angel volunteers.

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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Adoption / Foster Care: Preparing to Have a Great Older Child Adoption

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Preparing to Have a Great Older Child Adoption
Nov 13th 2012, 21:00

As more and more agencies look to place older children in adoptive homes, it's important for those homes interested in adopting to look at all they need to do in order to create a healthy adoption with older children and teens.

What tips would you offer to those who are considering an older child adoption? Do you have any fears about adopting an older child?

Share your thoughts and comments here.

Suggested Reading:

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Saturday, November 10, 2012

Adoption / Foster Care: Is This a Good Adoption Match?

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Is This a Good Adoption Match?
Nov 10th 2012, 08:00

When we read the adoption profile of a child in need of an adoptive family last year, we felt that we could meet her needs based on what we had read. We also learned about the child from the adoptive family and the social workers. So, still feeling very confident that she was a good fit for our family, we decided to move on to the next step of the adoption process and did a couple of respite weekend visits.

The child had a big personality and we found ourselves not enjoying her company. We were very overwhelmed with the decision before us and our hearts went out to the child, because she desperately wanted a family. She constantly told us how well she thought the visit was going, and how she thought we all fit in well together.  However, we knew she wasn't the right adoption match for our family.

Her excitement about our home and family made it all the harder to let the workers know that we didn't think it was going to work out.  We could have moved forward out of guilt and added her to our home, but that would not have been wise in the long run.  In fact, it's one of those 10 Reasons Not to Adopt a Child.

But how do you know when a child is the right fit for your family and you're the right match for the child?

Click "comments" below and share your thoughts.

Suggested Reading/New Articles and Features:

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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Adoption / Foster Care: OWN to Air the Movie "Precious"

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OWN to Air the Movie "Precious"
Nov 6th 2012, 22:32

This Friday the OWN network will air the movie Precious at 8pm and again at 11pm ET/PT. Precious is set in 1987 Harlem and is about a sixteen-year-old, African American girl who is pregnant for the second time by her father. She lives with her emotionally and physically abusive mother, but dreams of a better life. I have not seen this movie yet, but I have it set to record.  Just from a few trailers I've seen, I wonder if I'll be able to handle the extreme violence the child endures at the hand of her mother.

Due to the subject matter, I thought it important to highlight it here today, in case other readers have not seen the movie yet.

If you have seen Precious, what did you think? Have you ever cared for a foster daughter that may have had a life similar to this young lady's? How did you help her? Share your thoughts here.

Suggested Reading

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Monday, November 5, 2012

Adoption / Foster Care: Happy Adoption Anniversary Boys!

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Happy Adoption Anniversary Boys!
Nov 5th 2012, 08:00

Yes, ten years ago today, my husband, myself, and our daughter finalized the foster care adoption of our 3 boys. We fostered them for two years before facing a judge in Wichita, KS to make it all official. It's funny that we finalized in November during National Adoption Month, but back then I didn't even realize it was National Adoption Month. Many families plan for it to occur in November just for that reason, but we just fell into it.

Parenting three teen boys with high emotional and behavioral needs was no picnic in the park. But we did learn a lot from our time together as a family and I believe we are all better people for the experience. Every trial they face is still yet another growing and learning opportunity for us.

We have never made our adoption anniversary a big deal - more of a, "Hey, do you remember what today is?" type of thing. Some families go all out and it becomes another holiday. But we did send out adoption announcements in our Christmas cards that year to announce our new additions. What is your adoption finalization day to you and your family?

How do you celebrate your adoption anniversaries? Is it a special day in your home, or does it just become like any other day?

Suggested Reading: How To Complete a Foster Care Adoption What Is an Adoption Welcome Party? Hosting an Adoption Baby Shower Several Design Ideas for Making Adoption Announcements

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Thursday, November 1, 2012

Adoption / Foster Care: Bring Foster Kids into the Kitchen this Holiday Season

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Bring Foster Kids into the Kitchen this Holiday Season
Nov 1st 2012, 05:00

I have spoken with some foster parents who do not want their foster kids in the kitchen, the very thought bringing about an almost visible gag reflex. "The kids have poor hygiene," one foster mother said. "I caught one licking a spoon and then dipped it back in a jar of peanut butter." These dedicated foster mothers would just rather do the work and provide their foster children with meals and not worry about whether or not watching their foster kids in the kitchen might trigger nausea.

I think about it differently - even though I too have witnessed some big no no's in the kitchen and have a pretty weak gag reflex myself. I want children that enter my home to learn the basics. If a foster child is 10 and older, I teach them how to do their own laundry and how to make basic meals. I do this so that if a foster child is returned home and her parents begin to struggle again, she doesn't have to be the "smelly kid" in the class at school or go hungry every night.

The holidays bring about a perfect opportunity to work with kids in the kitchen.  Teach them how to bake cookies and take a batch on a visit with their birth parents or siblings. One of my best memories with our foster daughters last year was teaching them how to bake home made pies.  They were so proud of their creations.

I created a new article that lists different ways that working with kids in the kitchen can help increase more skills than just spaghetti, which is good too - right?

What do you think?  How have you encouraged foster kids in the kitchen?

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