Saturday, March 30, 2013

Adoption / Foster Care: A Children's Book Review Over a Sweet Adoption Book

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A Children's Book Review Over a Sweet Adoption Book
Mar 30th 2013, 08:00

I Bet She Called Me Sugar Plum Cover Art
Cover Art Courtesy of Franklin Street Gallery Productions

The topic of adoption often just pops up with kids throughout the course of a day. It's usually not a conversation that a parent purposely plans, even though they may want it that way. I Bet She Called Me Sugar Plum is a beautifully illustrated book that does not have a strong adoption theme, but the topic is thoughtfully woven into the story. The book shows a mother and daughter spending the day together doing fun activities, and eventually getting ready for bed. As the daughter learns about her grandmother, she asks about her birth mother.

I highly recommend I Bet She Called Me Sugar Plum. It highlights a beautiful mother daughter relationship and the normalcy of adoption talk between a parent and a child.

Have you read I Bet She Called Me Sugar Plum? What do you think?

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Friday, March 29, 2013

Adoption / Foster Care: Working Through Strong Feelings During and After the Adoption Process

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Working Through Strong Feelings During and After the Adoption Process
Mar 29th 2013, 08:42

Whether you are just beginning the adoption process and knee deep in paperwork and social workers or have already been blessed with the arrival of your child - you may have already been hit with some pretty strong emotions. Some of the emotions you may have already anticipated like excitement and joy, but you may also have felt a few other emotions that have caught you off guard. Don't worry - feeling angry or depressed is perfectly normal when working your way through the long process of adoption.

Two guest authors share their perspectives. Mardie Caldwell talks about Dealing with Anger and Depression while in the adoption process and Amy Rogers Nazarov shares her experience with Depression After Adoption.

Share your own experiences by clicking "comments" below.

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Thursday, March 28, 2013

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Monday, March 25, 2013

Adoption / Foster Care: Spokeo Announces Winners of the Spokeo Search Angel Awards

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Spokeo Announces Winners of the Spokeo Search Angel Awards
Mar 25th 2013, 22:49

Spokeo, along with partner Mixed Roots Foundation, just recently announced five winners of the Spokeo Search Angel Awards. The winners are:

  • Joanna Eve Freitag, Cary, NC
  • Connie Lynn Gray, Austin, TX
  • Kari Lemons, Mountain View, CA
  • Kellie Walls Sharpe, Walland, TN
  • Mary Edna Wilson, Fort Worth, TX

Spokeo and Mixed Roots Foundation worked with a 12 member advisory committee, which I was proud to be a member. Together we worked to develop and raise awareness for a program to honor and support adoption search angels. Adoption search angels volunteer their time and talents to reunite members of the adoption triad (birth families, adoptees, and adoptive families).

Throughout the last two weeks of November, individuals across the nation submitted nominations online for deserving search angels who had touched their lives. The initial nominations were scored according to quality of the nomination and the impact of the search angel on the adoption community. Fourteen finalists were selected and asked to submit additional information about their work as a search angel. The final five angels were selected by the advisory committee based on their creative approaches to helping families and their passion and dedication to their work.

Spokeo Search Angel Award winners each received a cash grant to help offset the costs of conducting a search as well as an enterprise Spokeo premium account to serve as a staple search tool. The winners were also invited take part in the Spokeo Search Angel Meet and Greet event on April 12 at the American Adoption Congress National Conference in Cleveland. Read more about the winners here:

Take a moment to congratulate these winners and share how search angels have impacted your life.

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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Adoption / Foster Care: Because of Winn-Dixie a Great Spring Break Read

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Because of Winn-Dixie a Great Spring Break Read
Mar 19th 2013, 10:03

Because of Winn-Dixie is a wonderful book. I heard some rumblings about whether this would be a good book or movie for children in the foster care system to read or see. Based on my experience with the book I have to say, "YES".

I loved this book. The story does deal with loss, but the losses are dealt with in an uplifting way that depicts the characters attempting to move on with their lives. The main character, Opal, was abandoned by her mother at the age of 3 and is thinking more and more about her mother. Opal's father, the preacher, desperately misses his wife and does not to like to talk about her. Winn-Dixie is credited with helping the preacher open up about his wife and with helping Opal make new friends. Perhaps Winn-dixie has been given too much credit? I think Opal finds courage to do more after making friends with such a loving mutt.

Read Because of Winn-Dixie with your kids. It's a good one!

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Sunday, March 10, 2013

Adoption / Foster Care: Asking Questions Before Taking a New Placement

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Asking Questions Before Taking a New Placement
Mar 10th 2013, 18:25

If you were called today to take a foster care placement - what questions would you ask the social worker calling? Do you know? Have you given this thought? Most experienced foster parents have a mental list of things they want to know about before accepting a new child.

I think one of the most important questions to ask is why the child is needing to come into your home - why in care, or why they are moving from another home. Another important question to ask is the number of times a child has moved. Take a moment to read what I suggest foster parents should ask, then share what questions you like to ask by clicking "comments" below.

Suggested Reading:
Foster Care 101
Why Do Children Enter the Foster Care System?
Why Do Foster Care Disruptions Occur?

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Friday, March 1, 2013

Adoption / Foster Care: Dr. Seuss for Foster or Adopted Children and Parents

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Dr. Seuss for Foster or Adopted Children and Parents
Mar 2nd 2013, 00:00

I love Dr. Seuss! Horton Hatches the Egg is my all time favorite Dr. Seuss book. Of course I also like The Cat in the Hat or Green Eggs and Ham, but nothing gets to me like the character, Horton. Probably because he has such great character. When I read Horton Hatches the Egg I can't help but think of this as a perfect foster parenting story.

Horton takes care of an egg for a bird who is tired of sitting and waiting for the egg to hatch. She goes off and has a great time, while Horton sits on the egg through all kinds of weather and hardships. Then when all the hard work is over the bird comes back for the egg. When the egg hatches we see that the baby bird has some elephant features like Horton. He made a lasting impact on the baby bird. I love that.

Elizabeth Kennedy, Children's Book Guide, says about Oh, the Places You'll Go, "It's an inspirational book that provides an uplifting sendoff in Dr. Seuss style for people entering a new phase in their lives, but Dr. Seuss also points out that there will be difficult times as well as good times." I think that this is an appropriate message for some children as they transition between foster homes or even into a new adoptive home.

There are about six Dr. Seuss books I'd recommend for foster or adoptive parents.

What is your favorite Dr. Seuss book? Which ones do you think are best for foster or adoptive children or parents?

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