Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Adoption / Foster Care: Foster Parenting and Written Documentation

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Foster Parenting and Written Documentation
May 28th 2013, 08:00

Many foster parents are surprised by the amount of paperwork foster parents are asked to maintain. We keep a child's medical forms, write daily or monthly logs depending on the agency's needs and specifications, and log mileage and medication We also are asked to write court reports.

This written documentation is so important yet, I feel that it is often overlooked in the training of foster parents. Since I'm so passionate about this topic I decided to create a e-course for foster parents to help improve the skill of documentation. Note: I feel that it's important for adoptive parents to continue with documentation even after the finalization of an adoption. I explain why in the e-course.

There are two ways to take the e-course, you can start at day one and follow through with the day to day links by visiting the index, or sign up for 3 daily email lessons.

Do you document daily, weekly, monthly, or not at all in your foster or adoptive home? If you do, please share how it has helped your child or family?

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Monday, May 20, 2013

Adoption / Foster Care: Help Your Child Finish the School Year on a Strong Note

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Help Your Child Finish the School Year on a Strong Note
May 20th 2013, 09:33

Send the kids back to school with less stress on you!
Photo © Carrie Craft, licensed to About.com, Inc.

As we're finishing up school here this week, and man did time fly, it's easy to want to just coast in to a summer of relaxation. But, while it may be the end of the school year, it's still important as a foster parent to help your foster child finish the year strong.

Is school almost out in your area? Are your kids excited for summer or going to miss friends. I have a mix here, one is excited, and the other is sad.

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Monday, May 13, 2013

Adoption / Foster Care: Foster Focus Magazine and Chris Chmielewski

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Foster Focus Magazine and Chris Chmielewski
May 13th 2013, 08:15

Chris Chmielewski created Foster Focus magazine to help improve the foster care system.
Photo courtesy of Chris Chmielewski

Two years ago we learned about the launch of a new magazine for foster parents and others who work within the foster care system. That magazine, Foster Focus, launched May 2, 2011, in honor of National Foster Care Awareness Month,  has covered amazing stories and participated in many events under the leadership of its owner and creator, Chris Chmielewski. Chris Chmielewski is a former foster kid who aged out of the system to become a success story. He is very passionate about the needs of foster children and the need to improve the foster care system that cares for children.

From Chris:

"Success for me has been measured in how seriously I have been taken by the hierarchy of the system. People really seem to enjoy the fact that the mag is run by a former foster kid, especially the CEO's. I think it makes them feel like they had a hand in the success story. Also getting to meet Jimmy Graham from the Saints is pretty cool too."

Foster Focus Magazine Cover
Photo courtesy of Chris Chmielewski

Learn more about Foster Focus magazine and Chris Chmielewski. Foster Focus is the first nationally distributed monthly magazine devoted to foster children.

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Sunday, May 12, 2013

Adoption / Foster Care: Happy Mother's Day

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Happy Mother's Day
May 12th 2013, 08:00

Adoptive mothers are the menders of skinned knees and of hearts.
Getty Images / Mario Lalich

I have to agree with the popular saying, "Motherhood is not for wimps." I think it goes double for foster and adoptive mothers. It takes a special person to mother and nurture a child that is not your biological child.

Click "comments" below and share something special about your mom, whether she's your birth, adoptive, or foster mom. We would love to hear your comments.


What Is an Adoptive Mother?
Adoption Stories - When We Became a Forever Family
You Know You're a Foster or Adoptive Mother When...
Adoption Poems for Adoptive Parents
Foster Care and Foster Care Adoption Poems

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Saturday, May 11, 2013

Adoption / Foster Care: Today Is BirthMother's Day

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Today Is BirthMother's Day
May 11th 2013, 08:56

It may not be well known to the rest of the world, but so some in the adoption community - today, the Saturday before Mother's Day, is Birthmother's Day. Here is a link to some poetry and other writings by birth or first mom's.

Most adoptions are a happy time for the adoptive family. Adoption is seemingly all about the adoptive parents and the child and what they have gained. Little thought is often given to the losses created by adoption.

By reading the words of these birth mothers I hope that we can begin to see and appreciate their feelings. Take some time this weekend to think about the women who have made us adoptive mothers mothers and what we or our children can do to honor and remember them.

Suggested Reading:

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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Adoption / Foster Care: Mother's Day Is Coming!

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Mother's Day Is Coming!
May 7th 2013, 06:49

Mother's Day
Photo © Carrie Craft, licensed to About.com, Inc.

There are many people who don't understand what it means to parent another person's child. The comments that I receive run from, "you're such a saint" to "you're so crazy." I personally hate these types of comments. Most days I feel like I fall short of one of the above descriptors and fully live up to the other.

Those of us experienced with fostering know that reality lies somewhere in the middle. It takes a special person to be a foster or adoptive mother, but it also takes a bit of the crazies too. Moms in general are talented and deserve their special day, but there is something extra special in my opinion, about an adoptive or foster mom.

Click "comments" below and share something special about your mom, whether she's your birth, adoptive, or foster mom. We would love to hear your comments.


Suggested Reading:

Quick, find a gift for mom:

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Sunday, May 5, 2013

Adoption / Foster Care: May Is National Foster Care Awareness Month

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May Is National Foster Care Awareness Month
May 5th 2013, 06:00

The official graphic for the National Foster Care Awareness Month campaign.

This month, all over the country, different foster care agencies celebrate and honor foster parents, but there is a larger goal: to motivate more Americans to step up and help the over 400,000 children in foster care.

There is always a need for more foster parents, especially since many foster parents adopt the children placed in their home if they are unable to return to birth parents. This means agencies are losing beds in which to place future foster children.

If you have ever considered fostering, May is the perfect month to check it out. See what advice those who are already fostering want those considering foster parenting to know? Don't want to give advice? Share your feelings - What does foster parenting mean to you?

If you are already a foster parent, check out this ecourse on how to be a Great Foster Parent.


Related Reading:
All About Foster Care Awareness Month
The History of National Foster Care Month
Daily Activities to Celebrate National Foster Care Month
Foster Care 101

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