Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Adoption / Foster Care: New Articles for May 2012

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New Articles for May 2012
May 30th 2012, 00:17

This month meant finishing up a new e-course about strengthening foster families. I also profiled a book about foster care, a country singer, and a man who aged out of foster care and created his own magazine. Foster Care Awareness Month has been a great month! I hope you are ready for a fun summer, I know I am.

Suggested Reading/New Articles and Features:

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Saturday, May 26, 2012

Adoption / Foster Care: Jillian Michaels and Partner Blessed Twice this Month

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Jillian Michaels and Partner Blessed Twice this Month
May 26th 2012, 21:05

After waiting for two years to become a mom, Jillian Michaels was blessed twice in the same week. Her partner, Heidi Rhoades, gave birth to their son, Phoenix, on May 3 and only four days later, Michaels was on a plane to Haiti to pick up their two-year-old daughter, Lukensia.

Michaels started the adoption process as part of a pilot program for adoptions from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, but when it was time to update year-old paperwork, she decided to make the switch to adopting from Haiti.

Michaels, 38, will legally adopt Phoenix and Rhoades, 31, will legally adopt Lukensia.

Suggested Reading: Gay Adoption Basics

SOURCES: Jillian Michaels: Adoption Is a Calling Jillian Michaels: Watching Heidi In Labor Was 'Awful' Jillian Michaels Adopts Haitian Girl, Partner Has Baby Boy

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Friday, May 25, 2012

Adoption / Foster Care: While Planning Your Summer Vacation Keep Expectations Realistic

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While Planning Your Summer Vacation Keep Expectations Realistic
May 25th 2012, 08:00

We have been blessed with the opportunity to enjoy yearly vacations. We have enjoyed taking our children white water rafting in Colorado, visiting friends in Utah, and Disney World in Florida. We've taken trips to visit grandparents in Missouri and weekend trips to amusement parks in Oklahoma and Texas. Every time we venture out we take all of our children with us, whether they are our birth, adopted or foster children.

While many foster parents insist on taking foster children with them on the road, others insist on utilizing respite. There are pros and cons to both sides of the argument. What do you think on the subject?

Suggested Reading:

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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Adoption / Foster Care: Foster Parenting and Written Documentation

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Foster Parenting and Written Documentation
May 22nd 2012, 11:04

Many foster parents are surprised by the amount of paperwork foster parents are asked to maintain. We keep a child's medical forms, write daily or monthly logs depending on the agency's needs and specifications, and log mileage and medication We also are asked to write court reports.

This written documentation is so important yet, I feel that it is often overlooked in the training of foster parents. Since I'm so passionate about this topic I decided to create a e-course for foster parents to help improve the skill of documentation. Note: I feel that it's important for adoptive parents to continue with documentation even after the finalization of an adoption. I explain why in the e-course.

There are two ways to take the e-course, you can start at day one and follow through with the day to day links by visiting the index, or sign up for 3 daily email lessons.

Do you document daily, weekly, monthly, or not at all in your foster or adoptive home? If you do, please share how it has helped your child or family?

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Saturday, May 19, 2012

Adoption / Foster Care: Hollywood Adoption News

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Hollywood Adoption News
May 19th 2012, 09:00

Katherine Heigl and Josh Kelley - Heigl and Kelley have added a second baby girl to their family. Newborn, Adalaide Marie Hope joined the Kelley-Heigl family through domestic adoption and joins big sister, Naleigh, 3½, who was adopted from South Korea in 2009. Heigl has been open about the struggle she and Naleigh had with bonding. I wish the family luck as they work to form those attachments again with another child.

Jennifer Lopez - Last week I blogged that Jennifer Lopez was interested in adoption according to Access Hollywood, but Lopez clarified her statements regarding adoption recently on The Ellen DeGeneres Show. She stated that she is misquoted often, and that she has no interest in pursuing adoption. She stated, "Through the character I came to understand how people do it, because before I never really thought about it."

SOURCES: Katherine Heigl and Josh Kelley Name Daughter Adalaide Marie Hope - People.com Jennifer Lopez Clears Up Adoption, Postpartum Depression Rumors

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Friday, May 18, 2012

Adoption / Foster Care: Successful First Year for Foster Focus Magazine and Chris Chmielewski

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Successful First Year for Foster Focus Magazine and Chris Chmielewski
May 18th 2012, 11:15

Chris Chmielewski created Foster Focus magazine to help improve the foster care system. Photo courtesy of Chris Chmielewski

A year ago we learned about the launch of a new magazine for foster parents and others who work within the foster care system. That magazine, Foster Focus, launched May 2, 2011, in honor of National Foster Care Awareness Month,  and has had an awesome first year under the leadership of its owner and creator, Chris Chmielewski. Chris Chmielewski is a former foster kid who aged out of the system to become a success story. He is very passionate about the needs of foster children and the need to improve the foster care system that cares for children.

From Chris:

"Success for me has been measured in how seriously I have been taken by the hierarchy of the system. People really seem to enjoy the fact that the mag is run by a former foster kid, especially the CEO's. I think it makes them feel like they had a hand in the success story. Also getting to meet Jimmy Graham from the Saints is pretty cool too."

Foster Focus Magazine Cover Photo courtesy of Chris Chmielewski

Learn more about Foster Focus magazine and Chris Chmielewski. Foster Focus is the first nationally distributed monthly magazine devoted to foster children.

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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Adoption / Foster Care: Hero Movie Brings Out Bullies

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Hero Movie Brings Out Bullies
May 16th 2012, 01:15

When I became the Guide here on About Adoption and Foster Care, I came at the topic very one sided and with only one point of view - that of an adoptive parent. Thankfully that didn't last as I was schooled by members of the forum, where I quickly learned that the adoption community consisted of adoptees, birth parents, as well as the adoptive parents. They each had a story to tell, and each adoption story was different. I am very thankful for that education, because now I can more clearly see both sides of an adoption or foster care issue.

I learned the value of three simple words - walk, mile, shoes.

I learned that while I may not always agree with someone's point of view, I could still learn and grow from it. Their perspective was usually born out of heartache or an experience that is often very unique to members of the adoption community, a community that exists on a foundation of loss because all adoptions start with a loss.

I started the blog regarding The Avengers movie to hear the perspectives of members of the adoption community and was shocked at the ugliness of the comments. Fifty-two comments and fourteen were offended by the adoption comment in the movie and all fourteen were able to communicate their feelings without one ugly word. But there were thirty-eight readers who stated that they were not offended, and only seven of those thirty-eight were able to communicate their view point in a healthy manner.

I have to admit, if I watched the movie, I probably would have laughed at the comment, but would have also wondered how it would impact those who may have been distanced from family with such a comment, because it made someone else more comfortable to only claim them if it was known that they were NOT blood related. Yes, I understand the point of the comment, as I'm sure others who were hurt by it understood.

It's not a matter of adoptive parents not preparing children for the real world, or the lack of mental capacity, or the inability to take a joke, understand context, or even the need for therapy.

It's about the fact that some people in this world have been labeled based solely on their adoption status. If you are an adoptee and did not experience this hurt, I'm happy for you. I can tell you that there are many adoptees who do not feel the same way.

Should adoption be off limits to jokes? No. But I do believe that it should be okay for someone in the adoption community to explain their point of view without being verbally attacked and belittled. There is value in those three words - walk, mile, shoes.

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Monday, May 14, 2012

Adoption / Foster Care: Help Your Child Finish the School Year on a Strong Note

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Help Your Child Finish the School Year on a Strong Note
May 14th 2012, 09:33

Send the kids back to school with less stress on you! Photo © Carrie Craft, licensed to About.com, Inc.

As we're finishing up school here this week, and man did time fly, it's easy to want to just coast in to a summer of relaxation. But, while it may be the end of the school year, it's still important as a foster parent to help your foster child finish the year strong.

Is school almost out in your area? Are your kids excited for summer or going to miss friends. I have a mix here, one is excited, and the other is sad.

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Sunday, May 13, 2012

Adoption / Foster Care: Happy Mother's Day

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Happy Mother's Day
May 13th 2012, 08:00

Adoptive mothers are the menders of skinned knees and of hearts. Getty Images / Mario Lalich

I have to agree with the popular saying, "Motherhood is not for wimps." I think it goes double for foster and adoptive mothers. It takes a special person to mother and nurture a child that is not your biological child.

Click "comments" below and share something special about your mom, whether she's your birth, adoptive, or foster mom. We would love to hear your comments.


What Is an Adoptive Mother? Adoption Stories - When We Became a Forever Family You Know You're a Foster or Adoptive Mother When... Adoption Poems for Adoptive Parents Foster Care and Foster Care Adoption Poems

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Saturday, May 12, 2012

Adoption / Foster Care: Today Is BirthMother's Day

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Today Is BirthMother's Day
May 12th 2012, 08:56

It may not be well known to the rest of the world, but so some in the adoption community - today, the Saturday before Mother's Day, is Birthmother's Day. Here is a link to some poetry and other writings by birth or first mom's.

Most adoptions are a happy time for the adoptive family. Adoption is seemingly all about the adoptive parents and the child and what they have gained. Little thought is often given to the losses created by adoption.

By reading the words of these birth mothers I hope that we can begin to see and appreciate their feelings. Take some time this weekend to think about the women who have made us adoptive mothers mothers and what we or our children can do to honor and remember them.

Suggested Reading:

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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Adoption / Foster Care: Foster Parent Appreciation Month

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Foster Parent Appreciation Month
May 9th 2012, 08:00

I just got the official invitation for our foster care agencies foster parent appreciation celebration. This year it is being held at the Tanganyika Wildlife Park. We get to tour the part, and then enjoy a late lunch and an appreciation ceremony. I have always wanted to visit this zoo, so I'm pretty excited!

In the past, foster care agencies have done a picnic as well as little gifts for their foster parents. One year at a picnic we received a nice mug filled with Hershey Kisses and a DVD about the foster care program, so that we could bring more families into foster care. What a nice surprise!

A note to foster care agencies and workers - there are things that foster parents need from you besides trips to the zoo and chocolate. Though, we do love both. Here are 11 ideas on how to maintain foster homes.

What has your agency done for you?

Suggested Reading: Foster Family Gift Ideas 11 Ways a Foster Care Agency Can Maintain Foster Homes Is it Time to Change Your Foster Care Agency or Adoption Agency?

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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Adoption / Foster Care: Jennifer Lopez Open to Adoption Thanks to New Movie

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Jennifer Lopez Open to Adoption Thanks to New Movie
May 8th 2012, 18:49

According to an interview with Access Hollywood Jennifer Lopez recently shared that she is now interested in exploring adoption thanks to her role in the new movie, What to Expect When You're Expecting. Lopez plays a woman who is experiencing infertility issues, so she and her husband turn to adoption. The movie follows the couple on their adoption journey as they finally adopt from Ethiopia. Lopez was able to interact not only with the Ethiopian born twins playing the role of her son, but also with the adoptive parents. She admits that adoption is something she never considered before, but now can see how easy it is to love a child that is not biologically your own.

Lopez is already a mom to 4-year-old twins Max and Emme with ex-husband Marc Anthony.

What to Expect When You're Expecting is due out in theaters May 18.

SOURCES: Jennifer Lopez: Filming 'What To Expect...' Opened Me Up To Adoption - Access Hollywood Jennifer Lopez talks adoption

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Monday, May 7, 2012

Adoption / Foster Care: Mother's Day Is Coming!

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Mother's Day Is Coming!
May 7th 2012, 14:49

Mother's Day Photo © Carrie Craft, licensed to About.com, Inc.

There are many people who don't understand what it means to parent another person's child. The comments that I receive run from, "you're such a saint" to "you're so crazy." I personally hate these types of comments. Most days I feel like I fall short of one of the above descriptors and fully live up to the other.

Those of us experienced with fostering know that reality lies somewhere in the middle. It takes a special person to be a foster or adoptive mother, but it also takes a bit of the crazies too. Moms in general are talented and deserve their special day, but there is something extra special in my opinion, about an adoptive or foster mom.

Click "comments" below and share something special about your mom, whether she's your birth, adoptive, or foster mom. We would love to hear your comments.


Suggested Reading:

Quick, find a gift for mom:

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Friday, May 4, 2012

Adoption / Foster Care: The Avengers Movie Offends Some Adoptees

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The Avengers Movie Offends Some Adoptees
May 4th 2012, 15:09

I have yet to see the new movie, The Avengers, which kicked off the 2012 summer movie season today, but a reader tipped me off to a comment that she found particularly offensive while reading a movie review in The Examiner

The Avengers is about demigod - Thor, (played by Chris Hemsworth), super soldier - Captain America, (played by Chris Evans), playboy billionaire - Iron Man, (played by Robert Downey Jr), a scientist - The Hulk, (played by Mark Ruffalo), and two super assassins - Black Widow (played by Scarlett Johansson) and Hawkeye (played by Jeremy Renner) who team up to save the planet from Loki (played by Tom Hiddleston).

It seems that the character Thor explains his brother Loki's violent killing spree with the flip comment, "He's adopted."  The reviewer, Kelly Jane Torrance, uses this in the review as an example of a "great line" that allows other characters than just Robert Downey Jr.'s Iron Man a "chance to shine."

What do you think? Is this a "great line" or is it offensive to adoptees?

Other Movies That Have Caused Some Irritation

New Adoption Horror Movie Orphan Causing a Stir Does the movie Juno do Adoption Justice? Why Does Disney Keep Doing This?

Suggested Reading:

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Thursday, May 3, 2012

Adoption / Foster Care: Children's Book of the Week for Foster Kids - The Star - A Story to Help Young Children Understand Foster Care

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Children's Book of the Week for Foster Kids - The Star - A Story to Help Young Children Understand Foster Care
May 3rd 2012, 08:00

Cover Art for The StarAuthor and foster mother, Cynthia Miller Lovell, contacted me about the book she wrote back in 1999, for younger foster children.

The story is about a child's first night in a new foster home.  The child is scared, but is then comforted by a star in the sky.

I found her book, The Star and its handbook for foster parents to be a wonderful resource for fostering families working with children under the age of 8.

What other books have you found helpful in your foster homes?

(Cover art used with Cynthia Miller Lovell's permission.)

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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Adoption / Foster Care: In the News: Adoption Scam Artist Going to Prison

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In the News: Adoption Scam Artist Going to Prison
May 2nd 2012, 15:25

She pretended to be pregnant and tricked five different adoption agencies, but Kansas City, Missouri resident, Roxanne Janel Jones, 35, will not be getting away with it.  She was sentenced to seven years and three months in federal prison yesterday for adoption fraud.  Jones admitted to tricking twenty-three different couples out of money and other living expenses with her adoption scheme.  She plead guilty to to one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud and mail fraud, and one count of aggravated identity theft.

Her accomplice, Taj A. Isaiah, 29, Kansas City, Missouri was sentenced to two years in prison for his part in the fraud. He pretended to be her landlord and lied to prospective adoptive parents.


KCMO Woman Gets 7 Years for Adoption Scam

Suggested Reading

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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Adoption / Foster Care: May Is National Foster Care Awareness Month

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May Is National Foster Care Awareness Month
May 1st 2012, 06:00

The official graphic for the National Foster Care Awareness Month campaign.

This month, all over the country, different foster care agencies celebrate and honor foster parents, but there is a larger goal: to motivate more Americans to step up and help the over 400,000 children in foster care.

There is always a need for more foster parents, especially since many foster parents adopt the children placed in their home if they are unable to return to birth parents. This means agencies are losing beds in which to place future foster children.

If you have ever considered fostering, May is the perfect month to check it out. See what advice those who are already fostering want those considering foster parenting to know? Don't want to give advice? Share your feelings - What does foster parenting mean to you?

If you are already a foster parent, check out this ecourse on how to be a Great Foster Parent.


Related Reading: All About Foster Care Awareness Month The History of National Foster Care Month Daily Activities to Celebrate National Foster Care Month Foster Care 101

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