Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Adoption / Foster Care: Top Hurtful or Rude Questions and Comments About Your Foster or Adopted Children

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Top Hurtful or Rude Questions and Comments About Your Foster or Adopted Children
Aug 21st 2012, 08:00

I've decided that I'm tired of rude people. I'm especially tired of rude people who think a simple, "just kidding" fixes all. I'm also tired of people who seem to believe that since a child is adopted that it's OK to ask questions about the child's "real family" or to say that they don't like a foster or adopted child in my home.

Do they honestly believe that since the children do not share the DNA of the parents that it just will hurt or offend less? We expect this behavior from children, but shouldn't adults just know better? (or am I expecting too much?)

Since school is starting soon, and that seems to be when children have the most issues with nosy classmates and parents may be asked the same tired and rude questions, that we should explore this issue again.

I've met many adoptive parents who have experienced this same behavior. I thought we'd take a bit of time and just vent and share some the rude comments we've received about the children we love.


Suggested Reading:

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