Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Adoption / Foster Care: What's Hot Now: Jon Huntsman Is an Adoptive Parent

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Jon Huntsman Is an Adoptive Parent
Jan 17th 2012, 11:05

Brief Introduction:

Jon Huntsman has had a very distinguished political career and has served in various capacities, including the Governor of Utah and the U.S. Ambassador to China. He hopes to become the 2012 Republican Presidential Candidate and, of course, ultimately hopes to be the next President of the United States.

Jon Meade Huntsman, Jr was born on March 26, 1960, in Palo Alto, California. He is married to his high school sweetheart, Mary Kaye Huntsman. The two were married on November 18, 1983. The couple have five daughters and two sons. Two of their daughters, Gracie Mei and Asha Bharati, were adopted internationally. The family resides in Washington, D.C.

International Adoption:

Jon Huntsman and his wife, Mary Kaye have internationally adopted two daughters. Gracie Mei was adopted from China while Asha Bharati was adopted from India.

Mary Kaye became interested in adoption after volunteering in a Catholic orphanage while they were living in Tien Mu, Taiwan. She convinced Jon to start the adoption process after returning home to the U.S. Gracie Mei was found abandoned in a vegetable market in China when she was just six months old. The Huntsman family completed the adoption from China while Gracie Mei in 1999. Gracie Mei was named by her older brothers and sisters.

"When I see Gracie Mei, I see my daughter. I see someone whose heart beats just like mine and whose spirit is just as resilient - whether it was born in rural China, like hers, or urban California, like mine."(Source: Utah's Governor's website.)

Asha Bharati was abandoned in a field in her home country of India as a newborn. She was adopted by the Huntsman family in 2006, when she was also still an infant. The couple are choosing to maintain her cultural roots by raising her Hindu, the native religion of her country of origin.

Huntsman's adopted children became a hot topic during the 2012 campaign for president when a group supporting Republican rival Ron Paul used pictures of the children as infants in an ad with the spoken words, "American values. Or Chinese?". Huntsman called the ad "stupid" and invited those against his candidacy to attack him, not his children and his family's adoption.

Political Highlights:

  • As the U.S. Ambassador to Singapore from 1992-1993, he was the youngest head of an American diplomatic mission in a century.

  • Served as Deputy U.S. Trade Representative from 2001-2003.

  • Served as the Governor of Utah from 2005-2009, stepping down to become the U.S. Ambassador to China for President Obama.

  • Served as the U.S. Ambassador to China from 2009-2011, stepping down to run for the 2012 Republican Presidential Candidate.

Fast Facts:

  • Served a two year mission in Taiwan for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints when he was nineteen years old.

  • Knows how to speak Mandarin Chinese and Taiwanese Hokkein. He learned both languages while he was serving a mission for the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints or Mormon church.

  • Dropped out of high school to play the keyboard in a band, but got his GED. He went on to attend the University of Pennsylvania, graduating in 1987.

  • Rides a Harley Davidson motorcycle and is also a motocross racer.

More Information on Jon Huntsman's Political Viewpoints:

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