Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Adoption / Foster Care: The Adoptive Family and Adoption Reunions

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The Adoptive Family and Adoption Reunions
Apr 30th 2013, 23:07

It's not easy being the adoptive parents during an adoption reunion. I think it's especially true when it's a foster care adoption and you as the foster adoptive parent know about the abuse and neglect that occurred in the birth home.

I'm thinking about adoption reunions again as I've recently learned that one of my sons wants to see his birth grandfather who is dying. I understand this need to see his grandpa before he dies, but I also feel a bit nervous as I know the drama and games other members of his birth family like to play.

So, I'll ask the question again - where is our [adoptive parents] place in an adoption reunion?

Should adoptive parents have any part in an adoption reunion?

Some say that the adoptive family's expectations don't matter when it comes to birth parent reunions. I believe that it all rests on the adoptee and what he/she wishes to happen. Now that my sons are grown men - I don't feel that I have a place in their reunions. They share with me what's going on in their birth family's lives, but that's about it, and I'm okay with that.

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