Thursday, October 6, 2011

Adoption / Foster Care: Would Steve Jobs Have Been the Creater of the Mac Without Adoption?

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Would Steve Jobs Have Been the Creater of the Mac Without Adoption?
Oct 7th 2011, 00:17

Steve Jobs passed away yesterday, Wednesday, October 5, 2011, at the age of 56. He had been battling some serious health problems, namely pancreatic cancer for some time. The former Apple CEO brought technology into our homes and made it a part of our everyday lives. We can't imagine a world where Steve Jobs didn't exist.

So, I have a question.

Steve Jobs was adopted at birth by Clara and Paul Jobs. If we was never adopted, would he still have been the father of the Mac? I know this is a question that many adoptees ask - are talents due to nature or nurture?

It's a question that Darryl McDaniels or DMC of Run-DMC mentioned during our phone interview a few years ago. If he was never adopted, he never would have met the other two members of the group.

""If I wasn't adopted I would never have met Jay or Run and I wouldn't be who I am now, where I am and the influence Run: DMC had on rap music today. We were the rap artists to get promotional deals with the song, 'My Adidas'."

So, would Steve Jobs have started Apple computers in his birth parent's garage? It's just something to ponder and discuss.

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