Thursday, October 27, 2011

Adoption / Foster Care: What's Hot Now: Halloween Costume Ideas

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Halloween Costume Ideas
Oct 27th 2011, 10:01

Experienced foster parents usually have a multitude of extra essentials around the house, extra toothbrushes, school supplies, diapers, and even some clothing. But how many foster parents have extra Halloween costumes? Here are a few last minute Halloween costume ideas and tips for the late October foster care placements with a lot of help from our Guide to Family Crafts. Many of these options require items that you probably have lying around your home.

Cardboard Boxes Make Great Last Minute Halloween Costumes

My daughter has been the Pets for Sale as well as Velma from Scooby Doo. How? A cardboard box colored to resemble The Mystery Van that she wore around her middle, one orange sweatshirt, glasses, and her clutching a stuffed Scooby Doo was all it took. She was a hit.

Sweatsuit Halloween Costume Ideas

Again, a great Halloween costume can be created quickly with a solid colored sweatsuit and a bit of creativity. We've done the Dalmatian Halloween costume as well as the puppy. My favorite one was when we dressed our daughter up like a skunk. Too cute with a black sweatsuit and white and black faux fur hot glued in all the right places.

Find a Last Minute Halloween Costume at a Thrift Store or Your Closet

Don't spend a bunch of money on a Halloween costume when you may have what you need in your closet or at the local thrift store, just waiting to be spookified. (Yes, I made up that last word.)

Don't Forget Halloween Make-up

Our Guide to DIY Fashion offers several face painting tutorials. Not to mention the completely funny do-it-yourself instructions on facial hair. You just never know when you may need a fake beard and mustache.

Remember Halloween Costume Safety

While rushing around to create a fabulous, last minute Halloween costume, don't skimp on safety. The Guide to Pediatrics offers several suggestions. Good things to keep in mind while seeking out the perfect Halloween look.

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