Saturday, November 12, 2011

Adoption / Foster Care: What's Hot Now: Adoption Baby Shower Game

Adoption / Foster Care: What's Hot Now
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Adoption Baby Shower Game
Nov 12th 2011, 10:00

Due to the many references of pregnancy, labor, and birth that is associated with baby shower games, it's important to really try to find games that can be edited to include adoption references or to avoid games that rely heavily on those references all together.

Here are several baby shower game ideas and tips for those adoption baby shower hosts and hostesses with a lot of help from our Guide to Pregnancy & Birth, Robin Elise Weiss, LCCE. Many of these options may require your creative touch to ensure that these baby shower games are adoption friendly.

Prepare a list of questions about the adoptive parents and while they are out of the room, allow the guests time to write down their answers. A fun baby shower game that would be perfect for a couple adoption baby shower. Also, a great way to get to know each other.

A fun little cooking game to throw into the mix of your adoption baby shower. The Pregnancy Guide's favorite part, and mine too, is the moral: "Marriage and children don't come with recipes, so we rely on the help of friends and family as we go along." This really fits into an adoption, don't you think?

A baby shower game where the guests have to have a good memory as an intruder crashes the adoption baby shower and removes a variety of baby items from her bag looking for her invitation. What a cute game idea, that brings with it a touch of entertainment.

A fun baby shower game that I recreated with list of appropriate adoption friendly words. So, choose 10 or so words related to babies, toddlers, or adoption and scramble the letters. Don't like my adoption related or parenting words? Come up with your own too!

Put very simply, you better be reading your Mother Goose before attending an adoption baby shower that plays this game.

I've played this one before. It looks easy, but it's not! It is, however, funny to watch others try to find a safety pin in a bowl full of rice - blindfolded.

Can you name that famous person, even if their face was placed on an infant's body? This one sounds like a lot of hard work, but lots of fun too.

Another word game, this time, how many words can you create out of the letters from the child's name?

I did this activity for my sister's baby shower. What a great way to gather parenting tips and loving words that the adoptive family can cherish forever. How about asking guests to share their thoughts or feelings about waiting for this new little one to join their family or community.

10. Time Capsule

Just like it says, have guests write a message to the adoptive family or new baby to be placed in a time capsule to be opened at a set date. Consider adding a few baby shower mementos and pictures of the shower to the capsule. I created a time capsule for my daughter's third birthday to be opened on her thirteenth. A oatmeal box, if stored in a closet and NOT buried, makes a great time capsule.

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