Saturday, July 9, 2011

Adoption / Foster Care: What's Hot Now: Black Hairstyles

Adoption / Foster Care: What's Hot Now
These articles that had the largest increase in popularity over the last week

Black Hairstyles
9 Jul 2011, 11:00 am

When I provided respite foster care for my best friend's foster children, I was completely intimidated by the upkeep of their black hairstyles. My friend does such an awesome job with black hair care and her foster children's hair always looks so nice and neat. I have learned a lot from the following articles and I wish I had these resources that respite weekend.

Cornrows are a popular black hairstyle.Photo © D. Sandeen Black Hair Guide, licensed to, Inc.

This seems so far out of my hair league, but that is probably just me as I'm easily intimidated by hairstyling in general - just ask my hair dresser. This black hairstyle is great for children as it lasts for a week or two. Not to mention that it's so cute!

I really like this black hairstyle and I think it's own I may attempt the next time I'm asked to care for a foster child with similar hair care needs.

One of my nieces is bi-racial and this is one black hairstyle I could actually do and have it end up looking pretty cute. I'm happy to read that I even cared for her hair properly with the right black hair care tools.

4. Working with Damaged or Neglected Black Hair

Many times foster children come into a foster home with obvious signs of neglect. African American children often show additional signs of neglect due to the lack of proper skin and hair care.

Yet, another way to manage curly hair and the trials of combing through it.

More great ideas for black hairstyles that will make both child and parent happy. Try these suggestions and easy black hairstyle ideas to make your next styling session tear free.

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